functional Tactile Object Recognition Test (fTORT)
(Carey, Mak-Yuen, & Matyas, 2020)
The functional Tactile Object Recognition Test (fTORT) measures the recognition of everyday objects through the sense of touch. Individuals are presented with test items (for example, a cup or house key) with different sensory attributes and asked to determine what they are feeling with vision occluded. A poster is used to indicate response. The fTORT has normative standards for older healthy individuals and established criterion of abnormality.
References: Carey, L. M., Mak-Yuen, Y., & Matyas, T. A. (2020). The functional Tactile Object Recognition Test: A unidimensional measure with excellent internal consistency for haptic sensing of real objects after stroke. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Link to pdf of paper: Carey et al., 2020 ©This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Carey, L. M., Nankervis, J., LeBlanc, S., & Harvey, L. (2006). A new functional tactual object recognition test (fTORT) for stroke clients: normative standards and discriminative validity. 14th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Sydney, Australia.