PhD and Master Research Projects linked with the Sense program of research
*Students are supervised by Prof Carey and enrolled at La Trobe University, unless otherwise indicated.
PhD research projects: Current 2020
- Cahill, L. Developing a Knowledge-Transfer framework for stroke rehabilitation: Evaluating implementation of the SENSe approach.
- Haslam, B. Chronic upper limb pain in stroke: factors impacting, beliefs and perceptions, and clinical implications. (University of Melbourne)
- Mak-Yuen, Y. Implementation of a somatosensory assessment tool: Feasibility and clinical utility of using SENSeAssess in clinical rehabilitation and community settings for stroke survivors.
- Nielson, C. Sustainable change in practice: The role of Community of Practice in knowledge translation for stroke rehabilitation.
- Wanklyn, T. Impact of task based somatosensory rehabilitation on personally-important activities post stroke.
- Rens, Z. Real time application of Sense therapy to valued activities: A knowledge translation application
- Joy, A. Organisational support at local healthcare network to facilitate best practice implementation for upper limb in stroke
Masters Research: Current 2020
- Nielsen, B. Achieving treatment fidelity in complex neurological interventions: A method for assessing, monitoring and evaluating treatment fidelity in the context of the SENSe therapy approach.
PhD research projects: Completed and related
- Turville, M. Application of SENSe to clinical settings: Enhancement of clinician skill development and establishing a community of therapists.
- Gopaul, U. COMPOSE – Combined Physical and SEnsOry training to improve arm function after stroke. (University of Newcastle).
- Mclean, B. Somatosensory discrimination capacity of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. (University of Western Australia).
- Taylor, S. Application of SENSe_Assess for use with children and adolescents (Curtain University).
- Ben Shabat, E. Central processing of proprioception: Functional MRI and psychophysical studies in healthy and stroke participants. (PhD)
- Blennerhassett, J. The relationship between sensation and pinch grip. (PhD)
- Hubbard, I. A functional MRI study of upper limb therapy in community dwelling stroke survivors (PhD)
- Bannister, L. Connectivity in recovery of touch sensation post-stroke. (Clin Doc)
Masters: completed
- Joy, A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of introducing clinical expectations and minimum standards into supervision sessions with Occupational Therapists working in stroke rehabilitation.
- Baskaran, U. Sensory-dysfunction in carpal tunnel syndrome. Relationship between static touch, tactile discrimination and hand dexterity
- Mastos, M. Occupation-based outcomes associated with sensory retraining post stroke
- McArdle, D. Functional and structural connectivity changes in the brain in stroke survivors with somatosensory impairment: Implications for rehabilitation
- Walker, J. Individual patient characteristics that predict favourable outcomes following a generalised somatosensory discrimination training program in the hand after stroke.
Please note: All candidates are experienced health professionals (occupational therapists, physiotherapists, neuropsychologists), often with senior clinical and academic positions.