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Our research into evidence-based rehabilitation and SENSe therapy is embedded within the program of research conducted through the Neurorehabilitation and Recovery research group. Our group is co-located at La Trobe University and the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Melbourne Australia.

Dr Leeanne Carey heads the Neurorehabilitation and Recovery research laboratory. The program of research spans more than 20 years and focuses on 4 main areas: (i) Restorative approaches to stroke rehabilitation; (ii) Nature of sensorimotor impairment and impact on function; (iii) Targeting of rehabilitation through novel brain imaging and biomarkers and (iv) Impact of depression and cognition on stroke recovery and participation. The research is new and original, represents a shift in rehabilitation focus, is internationally recognised, and is published in some of the highest-ranking journals across fields of Rehabilitation, Stroke and Neuroimaging. A hallmark is the strong collaboration with international experts in stroke rehabilitation, neuroimaging and implementation science. A unique contribution to the field is the capacity to span neuroscience, rehabilitation, and translate outcomes from this research into evidence based clinical practice and improved outcomes for stroke survivors.

In the sections that follow, we provide an overview of current studies linked with SENSe and helping stroke survivors regain a sense of touch: SENSe Implement; SENSe CONNECT; SENSe Online; CoNNECT and related studies.